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MT4 - MetaTrader 4 - Information and Downloads

MT4 is a ubiquitous trading platform made available to many retail traders from brokers around the world. The platform is robust and whilst not as easy to use as bespoke trading platforms does have two significant advantages: (1) It is "free" to the trader (brokers charge a small margin atop the bid-ask spread) and (2) Indicators and EAs are transferable to different brokers' MT4 platforms, so there is no lock-in.

MT4 has an API for developing indicators and EAs. If you are a beginner, you may not find it easy to learn. Here are some simple indicators you may find useful to get started.


Shows the name of the current symbol in large font on the background of the chart, useful where multiple monitors/charts are in use.

Watermark.mq4 (source)
Watermark.ex4 (compiled)


Draws a horizontal grid at a convenient power of ten (ie. a round number) on the background of the chart.

Grid10.mq4 (source)
Grid10.ex4 (compiled)


Allows the user to be notified when a particular price level is reached based on lines drawn on the chart. Version 1-3 includes the ability to send a notification message to an MT4 mobile client (Android or iPhone) if correctly configured under Tools->Options->Notifications with the appropriate MetaQuotesID.

PriceAlert_Ver_1-3.mq4 (source)
PriceAlert_Ver_1-3.ex4 (compiled)

Basic MT4 Setup

Video showing the basic MT4 terminal setup utilising the above indicators.

MT4 Templates

Video showing the concept of MT4 templates and the PriceAlert indicator.

MT4 Tick Sender

This tool will simulate MT4 tick data when market hours are closed. This is very useful for testing EAs and indicators at weekends (or other closed periods). This free tool was developed by

  Fx1  is a technology partner in financial market. Fx1 develops tools, strategies, indicators, applications for your needs focused on Metatrader, Tradestation and Wealth-Lab.
MT4 Ticker Tool