Allen Lashomb

 1873 Brasher, New York – 1943 Potsdam, New York



Continuation of tree (6th child of Xavier Francois Pitre/Emma Currier); all known surname descendants:

                 8           Allen Lashomb  b: January 1873  Brasher, St. Lawrence, NY; d: 15 August 1943  Potsdam, St. Lawrence, NY

                                  +Sybil Pauline Dailey (Burr)  b: June 1895  Gananoque, Leeds and Grenville, ONT; m: 15 January 1924  Brasher Falls, St. Lawrence, NY [Samuel/Marguerite Obey]



Notes for Allen Lashomb:


- 1880 Helena, Brasher, St. Lawrence, New York:  Frank Lashamb 38 (farmer), wife Emma 35, children Henry 16, William 14, Florence 12, Alexander 10, Ellen 8, Allen 7, Mary A. 5, & Sarah 3.

- 1900 Brasher, St. Lawrence, NY:  Allen Lashomb 22, living with parents & siblings.


- 1915 Brasher, St. Lawrence, NY:  Frank Lashomb 72 farmer, wife Emma 70, Alex 42, Allen 40, Florence 44, niece Cora Besaw 17, grandson Guy Burget 17.

- 1920

- 1930 Brasher, St. Lawrence, NY:  Frank Lashombe 90 (widowed) with son Allen 50, & daughter Florence 55.


- 1940 Brasher, St. Lawrence, NY:  Allen Lashomb 55 farmer, sister Florence 67. 


WWI Registration Records:  Allen Lashomb; res. Brasher Falls, NY; b. 1873; contact Emma Lashomb; employer Frank Lashomb; farmer; tall height, medium build; black eyes & black hair; 12 Sep 1918 Potsdam, NY.


MISC:  The Massena Observer (NY), 31 January 1924:  Brasher Center - Mr. and Mrs. Allen LaShombe spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mayville.

- Malone Evening Telegram (NY), Tuesday, 26 May 1936:  Brasher Center - Allen LaShomb and his sister are slowly settled on the Sharlow farm which they recently purchased.

- Malone Evening Telegram (NY), Saturday, 27 June 1936:  Brasher Center - Allen Lashombe had needed repairs done to his house, Frank Charles doing the work.

- The Massena Observer (NY), 7 May 1937:  Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, Allen LaShombe and Florence LaShombe visited Henry F. LaShombe at the Hepburn Hospital, Sunday.

- Malone Evening Telegram (NY), Tuesday, 7 February 1939:  Brasher Center - Mrs. Clarence Mitchell who was ill in Potsdam hospital with pneumonia, is now at the home of her uncle, Allen LaShombe, and is steadily improving.

- The Massena Observer (NY), 28 February 1939:  Brasher Center - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell have returned to Brasher Iron Works after spending a month at Allen Lashombe's.

- Malone Evening Telegram (NY), Friday, 14 April 1939:  Brasher Center - Mrs. Claude Hodgskin, Evans Mills, spent a few days with Allen LaShombe and his sister, Florence LaShombe, recently.

- The Massena Observer (NY), 7 March 1941:  Brasher Center - Guy Burgett of Watertown spent a few days at Allen LaShombe's

- The Massena Observer (NY), 13 June 1941:  Brasher Center - Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Berry and daughter have moved into part of Allen LaShombe's house.

- The Massena Observer (NY), 2 June 1942:  Brasher Center - Allen LaShomb has sold his dairy and plans to sell his farm.

 - Malone Evening Telegram (NY), Thursday, 17 September 1942:  Brasher Center - Allen Lashomb has sold his farm to August Sh----ys of Maple Ridge

- The Massena Observer (NY), 10 November 1942:  Piketown - Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Green and family have moved into the Allen Lashomb house at Brasher Center.


Obituary:  Potsdam Courier (NY), 18 August 1943:  Allen LaShomb Dies as Result of Injuries - Allen LaShomb, 65, an employee of the Strader farm at Eben, died in Potsdam hospital Sunday of bronchial pneumonia, secondary to a shock resulting from injuries received the previous Thursday when he was struck by an automobile while walking on the Potsdam-Canton road about two miles from this village.  LaShomb was apparently walking from Potsdam to Eben when he was struck by a car operated by Robert Woods, 29, of Canton who with fellow employees was enroute to work at the Massena Aluminum plant.  Others in the car at the time of the accident were Harold Peters, Winfred Bascom and Leroy Moore, all of Canton.  According to investigation, the approach of lights from truck transports were approaching Woods and it was raining, making it impossible for Woods to see the pedestrian.  The front fender struck the man, hurling him into the air.  The right wing glass of the car was broken by the impact.  Woods stopped and summoned Police Officer Clarence Gardner and an ambulance from this village.  Immediately following the accident Donald Gale, 21, of this village stopped at the scene and with the aid of the other men, placed LaShomb in the Gale car and rushed him to Potsdam hospital.  Mr. LaShomb suffered a crushed leg, internal injuries and head wounds.  Several blood transfusions were given in an effort to save his life.  [Listed as age 60 in another report]


Notes for Sybil Pauline Dailey:

- Watertown Daily Times (Watertown, NY), Wednesday, 6 May 1936:  Local police want to locate Mrs. Pauline Lashomb, Lieutenant Edward J. Curtin announced today.  People living in St. Lawrence county desire to get in touch with her immediately, he said.  The woman's mother's maiden name was Maggie Ober and Mrs. Lashomb is believed to be residing in this vicinity.


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New York birth/marriage/death items in RED have come from newspaper obituaries, some marriage announcements, and occasional birth announcements. 


Last updated:  1 May 2024.