1950 Massachusetts Census





Barnstable County


Everett D. Owings 28 (NE), wife Leone R. 43 (ME), stepdaughters Jeanne M. Peters 15 (ME) & Jeannette M. Peters 15 (ME) Peters      (Hyannis, 1-4, p. 23) Rose Leone Kiah, widow of Carroll Edward Peters (2 Nov 1904)

Henry Peets 25      (Sandwich, 1-64, Otis Air Base, Air Force, p. 95)


Berkshire County


William Peet 34 (Can) salesman/retail paper & paint, wife Lillian I. 35, William Jr. 10, Mary E. 5    (North Adams, 2-72, p. 17)

Joseph Xavier William Pitt (aka Peat), wife Lillian Ida Scott

Widow Caroline E. Peet 52 (Can), Joan B. 16, son-in-law Edward L. Farinon 25 inspect condenser/elastical mfg., wife Mary H. 22, Edward L. Jr. 2     (North Adams, 2-72, p. 17)

Marie Elizabeth Caroline Ranger, widow of Isaac Louis ‘Henry’ Peat (16 Jul 1884)

Bristol County


Herbert E. Peets 48 fireman/city dept., wife Ethel W. 49, Herbert E. 18 assemble/coloring plant, Donald W. 15    (Attleboro, 3-33, p. 3)


Raymond D. Rogers 40 truck driver/freight haulers, wife Gladys M. 36, Raymond D. 13, Cynthia M. 10, roomer Hubert H. Chaston 40 (div) (RI) carpenter-painter/contractor, brother-in-law Fred S. Peets 39 taxi driver/public services, brother-in-law Raymond A. Peets 24 armed forces     (Fairhaven, 3-80, pp. 22/23)


William E. Pendegrast 41 radio announcer/radio, wife Elizabeth 39 nurse industrial/tack mfg., widowed mother-in-law Margaret Peters 68 (Ire)    (New Bedford, 25-137, p. 3)

Margaret J. Mills, widow of Anthime Pitre (15 Jul 1879)

Jerome Pitre 69 (Can), wife Laura 71 (Can)   (North Attleborough, 3-96, p. 1)

Jeremie Louis Pitre (26 Apr 1879), wife Marie Laura Josephine Alexandrine Gallant

Essex County


Bert Peters 48 (ME) cooker operator/general foods mfg. co., wife Rose A. 47 rubber inspector/rubber mfg. co.    (Andover, 5-16, p. 20)

Belonie Pitre (24 Mar 1902), wife Rose A. Wakefield

Joseph Peters 56 (Can) millwright/animal food co., wife Mary E. 46 (Can) jack spooler/textile mill, Carol Ann 11, William 17, daughter Phyllis M. Miller 21 (sep) laundress/laundry, June M. Miller 1   (Andover, 5-16, p. 21)

Joseph Pitre (17 Aug 1893), wife Mary Ellis

Widow Sarah A. Kibbee 58 (VT) wool finisher/textile mill, lodger Joseph E. Peters 57 (Can) (div) handy man/construction engineer   (Andover, 5-16, p. 23)

Joseph Edouard Pitre (9 Mar 1893), ex-husband of Marie Selina Gallant

Joseph A. Peters 48 (Can) supervisor/city maintenance, wife Gertrude C. 44, Joseph A. Jr. 18, Robert A. 16, widowed mother-in-law Catherine Dagle 81 (Can)    (Gloucester, 5-106, p. 4)

Aiden Peters (2 Dec 1900), wife Gertrude Catherine Daigle

Emil J. Pitre 42 (Can) machine operator/light fixture plant, wife Lydia M. 35 assembler/light fixture plant, Lorraine L. M. 14   (Ipswich, 5-215, p. 17)

Joseph Emile Pitre (5 Nov 1907), wife Lydia Ouellette

Henry Peters 30 shipper/box factory, parents Peter Peters 74 (Can), wife Rose 48 (NH)   (Lawrence, 20-71, p. 13)

Pierre Peters (1 Jun 1876), wife Marie Rose Emma Dube

Joseph Peters 26 general labourer/construction, wife Julia 26 clerk bookkeeper/gas & electric co.    (Lawrence, 20-77, p. 11)

Joseph Raymond Peters (20 Jul 1923), wife Julia Kasanovich

Joseph Peters 56 (Can) painter/electrical mfg., wife Madeline 44, Paul J. 15, Edward J. 13, Justine E. 7      (Middleton, 5-282, p. 32) Joseph Pitre (21 Jun 1892), 2nd wife Madeline E. Vaillancourt

Edmund R. Boucher 24 (NH) finisher/silver manufacturing film, wife Viola E. 39 (KS) supervisor/silver manufacturing film, stepson Jerome J. Peters 16 clerk/retail grocery store    (Newbury, 5-289A, p. 73)

Viola Ellen Durken, widow of Joseph Jerome Pitre (1 Sep 1905); Jerome Joseph Peters (13 Jan 1934)

Joseph G. Peters 36 salesman/milk, wife Mary P. 30, Joseph G. Jr. 1    (Peabody, 5-336, p. 6)

Joseph Gilbert Peters (27 Nov 1912), unknown spouse

Reginald H. Peters 40 carpenter/general building contractor, wife Elizabeth E. 39 (Can), Henry J. 16    (Salem, 5-377, p. 17)

Reginald Henry Peters (21 Aug 1909), 2nd wife Elizabeth Mary Laverty

Widow Helen Peters 64 housework/private family, widowed lodger James H. Gannon 61 laborer/city water department   (Salem, 5-404, p. 73) Helen Louise Peters, widow of Maurice Alexis Pitre (18 Aug 1883)

Alfred Michaud 70 (Can), Lucian 33 foreman/machine co. (leather), son-in-law Roger Pete 30 optician/optical co., wife Lorrett 32, Donald 4, Mark (June)    (Salem, 5-409, p. 17)


Ralph F. Peters 46 town hall custodian/city town hall custodian, wife Eva L. 45, Paul F. 12, Brent U. 10, brother-in-law Albert G. Upton 37 (div) tumbler operator/tumbler department electronic factory (Salem, 5-421, p. 4) Ralph Francis Peters (23 Aug 1902), wife Eva L. Upton

Lawrence Peters 53 (Can) stenographer/Veterans Administration, wife Josephine 49 cashier/amusement, son-in-law Joseph Scione 21 laborer/woollen mills, wife Gloria 19; lodger Charles S. Chassison 55 (Can) (sep)   (Salisbury Beach, 5-430B, p. 54)

Laurent Pitre (15 Mar 1896), wife Josephine Belle Butler

Joseph Petrie 36 (Can) mechanic/gas & fuel, wife Margaret J. 34, Margaret 11, Ann M. 9, Donna L. 4, widowed mother-in-law Nora Haumann 80    (Saugus, 5-438, p. 14)

Joseph Theophilus Pitre (29 Oct 1913), wife Irene Margaret Haumann

Franklin County


Leroy Peets 32 upholstering/furniture, wife Thelma 30 (NH), Constance 12 (NH), Leonard 10 (NH), Geraldine 9 (NH), Dennis 7 (NH), Sandra 5, April 4, David 2 (NH), Caroline 2 months    (Orange, 6-72, p. 12)

Leroy Samuel Peets (26 Jun 1918), wife Thelma Helvi Viola Silver

Hampden County


Arthur Ducharme 57 (Can) (sep) painter/transportation co., Marcelle J. 25, Rene N. 22, son-in-law Leonard Pete 33 (NY) cloth cutter/undergarment factory, wife Lea R. 30, Elaine (March)   (Chicopee, 7-17, pp. 1/2)

Leonard J. Pete (14 Feb 1914), wife Leah Rose Ducharme

Mitchell J. Pete 41 (CT) tire builder/tire factory, wife Florence E. 35 (VT) pocket builder/tire factory, Mitchell J. Jr. 19 (VT) counter washer/meat packing co., Joyce C. 16 (CT), Robert E. 12 (CT), Richard D. 11 (RI), Ronald D. 11 (RI), Loretta M. 9 (CT), Gloria A. 6 (CT), Patricia E. 4 (CT), Francis J. 1   (Chicopee, 7-17, p. 5)

Mitchell Joseph Pete (13 Feb 1909), wife Florence Edna Cook

Widow Clarinda St. Marie 73, 6 relatives; widowed daughter Rita Pets 33 cutting room/wholesale provision, Arthur 8     (Chicopee, 7-32. p. 6)

Rita M. St. Marie, ex-wife of Arthur Alfred Peets (5 Sep 1912)

Arthur La Pite 20 truck driver/retail coal co., wife Aliza 22, Lorraine (Aug), widowed mother-in-law Rose Labonte 62   (Chicopee, 7-66. p. 9) Arthur Edward Lepitre (25 Jun 1929), wife Alida Roseanna Labonte

Dore La Pite 50 truck driver/coal co., wife Fedeli 46 spinner/woollen mill, son Dore J. 25 truck driver/retail coal co., wife May 22, Ann 2; Pearl Grise 11   (Chicopee, 7-67. p. 9)

Joseph Dore Lepitre (8 May 1900), wife Florida Fidelie Perreault

Arthur E. Lapite 25 (CT) salesman/variety store, wife Constance Y. 25 saleslady/variety store     (Chicopee, 7-67, p. 74)

Arthur E. Lapite (26 Sep 1924), wife Constance Y. Riquer

Widow Alice G. Lapite 47 waitress/restaurant, son-in-law Thomas M. Gill 25 (MA) ruler/make heavy paper, wife Lucille L. 20 (MA) saleslady/5 & 10 cent store    (Chicopee, 7-70, p. 9)

Alice Hutchinson, widow of Arthur Alfred Lepitre (23 Jan 1902)

Wilbur Pete 41 (CT) welder/electrical appliance manufacturer, wife Laurina 45, Shirley M. 15   (Chicopee, 7-82, p. 22)

Wilbur Joseph Pete (19 Jan 1909), wife Laurina Rose Roy

Wayne A. Lashomb 20    (Chicopee, 7-207, p. 103, US Air Force Base) Wayne A. Lashomb (28 May 1929)

Roland J. Pete 35 (NY) machine tender/paper mill, wife Geneva M. 35, Nancy M. 2    (Holyoke, 19-13, p. 19)

Roland J. Pete (15 Sep 1914), wife Geneva Mary Krol

Fred Peets 60 (NY) dishwasher/lunch room, wife Laura 58 (Can)    (Holyoke, 19-22, p. 5)

Fred Ferdinand Charles Peets (17 Jan 1890), wife Marie Laura Fontaine

Henry O. Peets 23 third hand/paper factory, wife Aleda M. 26, Barbara L. 5    (Holyoke, 19-22, p. 10)

Henry Ovila Peets (2 Aug 1926), wife Aleda M. Lincourt

Widower Martin F. Kelley 65 (Ireland) foreman/thread, son-in-law Ernest E. Pett 32 beater engineer/paper, wife Elizabeth M. 38, William M. 3    (Holyoke, 19-41, p. 4)

Ernest Peet (17 May 1919), 2nd wife Elizabeth Mae Kelly

Hector L. Peterson 30 (NY) paper dryer/paper mill, wife Ruby A. 23 (NY) ball stitcher/sporting goods factory, Lawrence H. 3, Jerry D. 2, Eugene O. (Nov)       (Holyoke, 19-54, p. 21) Hector Lawrence Peterson (24 Jan 1920), wife Ruby Alice Bradley

Edward Peets 39 lathe operator/valve factory, wife Rose M. 35, Edward D. 18 (NY) repair apprentice/sports store, Mildred R. 16 stockroom clerk/5&10 store, Richard C. 14, Joan G. 12, Judith T. 7, Nancy M. 6, Lorraine A. 5     (Springfield, 29-246, p. 10)

Wilfred Edward Peete (19 Apr 1910), wife Rose Mary Jerome

Widow Lucy LaPete 42 (VT) baseball stitcher/sporting goods, Stanley 21 truck painter, Carol 9     (West Springfield, 7-173, pp. 73) Lucie Melvina Cherrier, widow of John Alfred Lepitre (31 Aug 1907)

Edward C. Verge 38 fireman/railroad, wife Marie I. 33, Leon R. 9, stepson Edward A. Peets 17, lodger Michael F. Splaine 55 (div)   (West Springfield, 7-190, pp. 3/4)


Hampshire County


Louis Peet 57 (NY) hettle operator/plastic, wife Jeanette 58 (Can), Kenneth 15     (Belchertown, 8-9, p. 3)

Louis ‘Noah’ Peets (1 Jan 1895), wife Jeannette Delia Gagnon

Widow Jane Peets 64 (NY) Head Seamstress   (Belchertown, 8-10, p. 47, Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded) Mary Jane Ducharme, widow of Francis Peets (22 Aug 1877)

Leo Nadeau 42 (Can) assembler/gas pump mfg. co., wife Marceline 46 (NY), brother-in-law Jerry Peet 44 (NY)    (Easthampton, 8-18, p. 7)

Jeremiah ‘Jerry’ Peete (9 Oct 1905)

Harry J. Peets 56 (NY), wife Mabel M. 55 (NY) winder/elastic factory   (Easthampton, 8-26, p. 1)

Henry ‘Harry’ Joseph Peets (7 Mar 1894), wife Mable Lapier

Etienne J. Lepitre 50 (Can) guard/brush mfg. co., wife Josephine 60, nephew Harry J. Morey 7, nephew Alphonse J. Simoneau 17 service boy/brush mfg. co., nephew Donald E. Simoneau 21 machinist adjuster/brush mfg. co.   (Northampton, 8-78, p. 71)

Joseph Etienne Lepitre (1 Jan 1900), wife Josephine Chouinard

Middlesex County


John Peters 38 manager/wholesale food, wife Eleanor 37, John 4, Andrea 2    (Arlington, 9-38, p. 14)

John Mortimor Peters (19 May 1911), wife Eleanor Hill

Thomas P. Pitre 52 (CT) Dean of Freshmen/university, wife Hester A. 57     (Arlington, 9-45, p. 77)


Widow Anna B. Peters 78 (Can)    (Arlington, 9-52, p. 1)

Annabelle Beatrice McCauley, widow of John Alfred Peters (29 Oct 1867)

James J. Peters Sr. 56, wife Laura 48 (NH) bookbinder/book factory, James J. Jr. 21 machine lathe operator/machine part co.   (Cambridge 17-95, p. 15)

James Joseph Peters (28 Aug 1893), wife Laura M. Larose

William A. Peters 52 (Can) carpenter/carpenter, wife Margaret E. 48, William J. 17, Thomas A. 15, Jeanne M. 15, Adelaide 14, John R. 13, Charles 9, Mary L. 7, Kathleen 4    (Cambridge 17-115, p. 21)

William Augustus Peters (3 May 1897), wife Margaret Eulalia Harrington

Leo G. Peters 50 salesman/retail furnishing co., wife Yvonne J. 38, Joan P. 8   (Dracut, 9-185, p. 4)

George Leo Pitre (30 April 1900), 2nd wife Yvonne J. Ouellette

Henry J. Peters 26 (Can), wife Eleanor F. 24, Michael J. 1, Ann M. 4 months    (Everett, 9-242, p. 29)

Henry Pitre (23 Jul 1923), wife Eleanor F. Driscoll

Wilfred J. Peters 29 (Can) proprietor/retail grocery, wife Mildred R. 25, Dianne 2    (Everett, 9-259, p. 11)

John Wilfred Pitre (24 Jan 1921), wife Mildred Rennie

Henry J. Pitre 58 watchman/special, wife Lucy M. 47 (ME), Henry J. Jr. 19 truck driver/building contractor, Dolores G. 18, grandchildren Robert J. Archambault 8, Doris P. Archambault 5, Roland H. Archambault 1   (Lowell, 21-76, pp. 2/3)

Joseph Henri Pitre (22 Mar 1892), wife Lucia Mary Boisvert

Kenneth Peters 55 (ME) (mar) carpenter/contractor, Mary J. 18 general office woman/woolen mill    (Lowell, 21-97, p. 76)

Stanislaus ‘Kenneth’ Pitre (7 Feb 1892)

Alfred Pitre 49 truck driver/construction concern, wife Dorothy 34 shipping clerk/lingerie manufacturer, brother Felix Pitre 56 (Can) truck driver/construction concern   (Lowell, 21-112, p. 12)

Joseph Alfred Pitre (5 Feb 1901), wife Dorothy Agnes Quebec

Widower John Petrie 63 (Can) boiler room/gas & fuel co., son-in-law Robert Pinette 21 cab driver/cab co., wife Louise T. 22 telephone operator/telephone co., son-in-law Calvin R. Badnell 19 (OH) armed forces, wife Jean R. 18 waitress/drug store  (Malden, 23-46, p. 21)

Jean Marcel Pitre (13 Jun 1887), widower of Margaret Mary Ann Arseneau

Joseph L. Peters 49 (Can) truck driver/food, wife Mary G. 43 (Can) assembles radios/radio, Leo F. 12    (Melrose, 9-421, p. 22)

Joseph Leander Peters (15 Dec 1900), wife Mary Gertrude Phalen

John Peters 52 (Can) carpenter/sidewalls etc., wife Marie 41 (Can), George 18 --- card artist/painting, Theresa 16, Joseph 14, Marie 10, Reginald 9, Rose Marie 6, brother-in-law Joseph Gallant 29 (Can) labourer/constr. Co.  (Reading, 9-466, p. 1)

Jean Luc Pitre (14 Sep 1897), wife Mary Josephine Gallant

Joseph Peters 63 (PEI) labourer/rubber coating, wife Emily 61 (PEI), son-in-law Alfred Muise 29 factory worker/, wife Evelyn 30 factory worker/tin novelties    (Reading, 9-466, p. 5)

Joseph ‘Emmanuel’ Pitre (5 Mar 1886), wife Emily Doucette

Joseph L. Peters 64 (Can) collecting rubbish/rubbish & yardwork, wife Marie 57 (Can), Shirley M. 22 sales clerk/store work, Merton H. 21 roofer/roofing contr.    (Reading, 9-473, p. 12)

Joseph Leo Pitre (3 May 1885), wife Marine Ann Pitre (29 Oct 1891)

Paul L. Peters 71 (Can), wife Catherine W. 69 (Can), widowed sister-in-law Annie R. Arsenault 78 (Can)    (Reading, 9-474, p. 4)

Napoleon Pitre (30 Apr 1879), wife Catherine Winifred Botts

Alexander J. Petrie 58 (ME) laboratory asst./private college, wife Clotilde 58 (ME), 2 lodgers   (Somerville, 28-121, p. 1)

Alexander James Petrie (15 Jan 1892), unknown 2nd wife

Andrew Peters 85 (Can), wife Jane M. 74 (Can), William 48 carpenter/carpenter co., Mary 36 registered nurse/hospital, Alfred J. 31 carpenter/carpenter co.    (Somerville, 28-123, p. 11)

Andre Pitre (25 Dec 1867), wife Mary Jane Richard

Paul Peters 73 (Can), wife Albertha 68 (Can)    (Tyngsborough, 9-519, p. 17)

Pacifique Joseph ‘Paul’ Pitre (4 Sep 1876), wife Alberta M. Thibeault

Harold Peters 35, wife Margaret 36 (Scotland) winder/worsted factory, Cynthia 2    (Tyngsborough, 9-519, p. 17)

Joseph Alphonse Harold Peters (10 Oct 1914), wife Margaret Mair Wells

Joseph W. Peters 29 machinist/machine shop, wife Anna J. 36, Nancy A. 1    (Waltham, 9-566, p. 18)

Joseph Wilfred Peters (21 May 1920), wife Anna Julia Bigda

Frank J. Peters 60 (Can) senior maintenance foreman/hospital, wife Gertrude A. 60 principal clerk/hospital    (Waltham, 9-561, p. 16, Middlsex County Sanatorium Tuberculosis Hospital)

Francis Joseph Pitre (15 Sep 1889), wife Agnes Gertrude McCarty

Widower Solomon Peter 69, gardener/country club, lodger    (Waltham, 9-600, p. 9)

Solomon Pitre (8 Dec 1882), widower of Catherine Doiron

Widow Julia A. McCarthy 72 (Ireland), Daniel J. 34, widowed daughter Helen L. Peters 45, Charles J. Peters 7, widowed daughter Julia A. Shaw 35, James W. Shaw 10    (Watertown, 9-656, p. 20)

Helen Louise McCarthy, widow of Charles Henry Peters (10 Jun 1892)

Joseph J. Peters 31 (Can) machinist/diesel engine co., wife Florence C. 30, Joseph F. 9, Mark D. (Sep)    (Wilmington, 9-692, p. 16)

Joseph Pitre (20 May 1918), wife Florence Catherine Howell

Daniel H. Peters 48, wife Anna R. 34    (Wilmington, 9-695, p. 74)

Daniel Henry Peters (8 Jul 1901), wife Anna Rose Beatrice

Norfolk County


Benjamin La Pete 58 (VT) (mar) farmer/farm, lodging    (Bellingham, 11-7, p. 73)

Adelard Robert ‘Benjamin Lapete’ Lepitre, husband of Ethel L. Bassett

Philip J. Peters 78 (Can), wife Harriet M. 68 (Can), 3 lodgers    (Holbrook, 11-199, p. 1)

Fidelis ‘Phillip Joseph’ Peters (17 Oct 1873), wife Harriet Hough

Frazier O. Peterson 28 (NY) (div.) prisoner    (Norfolk, 11-266, p. 22, Norfolk State Prison) Frazier Oliver Pete (21 Mar 1922)

John Joseph Peters 50 stationary engineer/iron foundry, wife Edna V. 51 (NY), John J. Jr. 23, Mary Elizabeth 22 waitress/restaurant, Edna V. 18 clerk/cleaners   (Wellesley, 11-344, pp. 12/13)

John Joseph Peters (12 Mar 1900), wife Edna Veronica Lanigan

John P. Peters 59 (Can) electrical inspector/US Navy, wife Arabella 53, Eugene 26 (CT) salesclerk/retail grocery store, Hugh 17, Norma 10   (Weymouth, 11-374, pp. 14/15)

John Patrick Peters (20 Oct 1889), wife Arabella May McKenzie

Plymouth County


Joseph E. Peters 34 (RI) combination repair/telephone co., wife Mary E. 37, Anne M. 7, Susan B. 3, Joseph E. Jr. (Dec), widowed mother-in-law Kathryn A. Finn 73     (Brockton, 16-15, p. 5)

Joseph E. Peters (13 Jul 1916), wife Mary Elizabeth Finn

Ralph McGrath 49 salesman/liquor dist., wife Genevive 40, Patricia A. 18 clerk/dept. store, John F. 14, Kathleen T. 8, widowed father-in-law Zebulon Peters 73 (PEI)    (Brockton, 16-39, pp. 73/74)

Eusebe Pitre (c10 Oct 1875), widower of Katherine Rose Downey

Jos. W. Williams 37 (IN) mech. Helper/garage, wife Mary M. 37 (NH), Robert T. 16, Arthur 11, Richard E. 9, Leo 8, Lorraine 5, widowed mother-in-law Angeline J. Peters 67 (Can)    (Marshfield, 12-65, p. 34)

Angelina Josephine Trainor, widow of Peter Benjamin Pitre (7 Jul 1883)

Ernest J. Peters 50 (Can) painter/construction co., wife Dorothy F. 46, stepson Richard Burgess 21 painter/construction co.    (Plymouth, 12-101A, p. 17)

Samuel Earnest Peters (6 Dec 1899), wife Dorothy Frances Boutin

William T. Peters 45 outside machinist/shipyard, wife Catherine 41, George L. 15 horse handler/farm, Robert E. 11, Ralph W. 10, Mary 9, Catherine 7   (Whitman, 12-151, p. 10)

William Thomas Peters (30 Oct 1904), wife Catherine Margaret Graham

Suffolk County


Elmer M. La Petit 39 (NH) shipping/sugar refinery, wife Lillian 43 (IRE)   (Boston, 15-122, p. 17) Elmer Maurice Lapete (12 May 1910), wife Lillian N. Brady

Leo Peters 33 bartender/hotel, wife Elinor 28, Thomas 8, James 1   (Boston, 15-245, p. 24)

Leo Joseph Peters (17 Feb 1917), wife Eleanor Cahill

James F. Peters 42 sign painter/signs out & in, wife Margaret M. 34, James 13, Margaret H. 8, Ruth 6, Mary 2   (Boston, 15-400, p. 11)

James Francis Peters (1 Aug 1907), wife Margaret O’Mara

William T. Peters 42 sheetmetal worker/metal products, wife Catherine M. 39, William J. 13, Ethel M. 10, Kathleen M. 9, John C. 7, Robert A. 1    (Boston, 15-456, p. 71)

William Thomas Peters (23 Jan 1908), wife Catherine M. Fitzgerald

Widower Agustus Peters 78 (Can), widowed sister-in-law Sara McGunius 76 (Can), brother-in-law James McDonald 61 (Can) blacksmith/contractor  (Boston, 15-467, p. 12)

Augustine Peters (14 Nov 1871), widower of Mary Ann McDonald

George Peters 40 (PEI) driver salesman/tonic company, wife Grace 40, Patricia 5    (Boston, 15-475, p. 3)

George Benjamin Peters (1 Jun 1910), wife Grace B. Murphy

Clifford Lapete 37 (NH) garage man/garage co., wife Amelia 32 (NH), George 7, William 2   (Boston, 15-690, p. 73)

Clifford J. Lapete (10 Apr 1913), wife Amelia H. Makuch

Harold C. Peters 35 tea bag mach. op./tea co., wife Dorothy M. 28, Gloria E. 6, Harold T. 3, John A. 1    (Boston, 15-734, p. 10)

Harold C. Peters (12 Oct 1914), wife Dorothy Marie Walsh

Frank H. Peters 55 (Can) baker/restaurant, wife Margarete 60 (Can), Bernard J. 25 refrigerator repairman/refrigerator sales & service co., Mary C. 19    (Boston, 15-774, p. 15)

Francis Henry Peters (4 Jun 1894), wife Margaret E. Feehan

Edward D. Peters 28 (Can) die maker/buckle mfg. co., wife Helen 25, Edward D. Jr. 2    (Boston, 15-774, p. 15)

Edward Danial Peters (3 May 1921), wife Helen R. Cahill

James A. Burgess 33 shipper/leather, wife Mildred C. 34, Charles F. 4, sister-in-law Martha J. Peters 44    (Boston, 15-917, p. 72)

Martha Josephine Peters (16 Jan 1902)

Claude A. Peters 44 (mar) printing, hand-compositor/trade composition plant   (Boston, 15-937, p. 25)

Claude Arthur Peters (17 Feb 1906)

Jeannette G. Petry 44 (Can) (div.) beautician/beauty parlour, Edward E. 21

(Boston, 15-991, p. 1)

Jeanne Marie Grace Morin, ex-wife of Walter Henri Lepitre (5 Nov 1899)
Arthur J. Bosse 46 salesman/musical instruments, wife Margarite 32, Diane 5, aunt Minnie Peters 77 (Can) single    (Boston, 15-1036, p. 11)  

Walter Peters 42 Lt. firefighter/city fire dept., wife Gertrude 34 billing clerk/sell & repair construction equipment, Patricia 7, Walter 5, Loretta 4   (Boston, 15-1050, p. 72)

Walter Francis Peters (5 Dec 1908), wife Gertrude Murphy

Oren S. Peters 49 carrier/post office, wife Ruby S. 54, Patricia W. 13    (Boston, 15-1126, p. 6)

Oren Stanley Peters (1 Jun 1901), wife Ruby Stoodley Wade

Lorne J. Peters 51 (Can) assistant supt. Of agencies/insurance, wife Winifred M. 51, Lorna W. 19 student nurse/private hospital   (Boston, 15-1176, p. 7)

Lorne Joseph Peters (13 Jul 1898), wife Winifred Mary Welch

Jack Peters 46 (Can) textile weaver/woollen clerk textile factory, wife Mary 40 machine operator/paper factory, John 19 armed forces, Richard 18 counterman/restaurant    (Chelsea, 13-61, p. 1)

John Daniel Peters (19 Sep 1903), 2nd wife Mary Concannon

Gilbert P. Peters 39 (Can) truck driver/freight transport, wife Althea 39, June 13, Louise 11, Mary 2   (Revere, 13-108, p. 8)

Gilbert Bernard Peters (19 Apr 1910), wife Althea K. Lawrence

Jerome Peters 66 (PEI), wife Catherine 68 (PEI)    (Revere, 13-117, p. 5)

Jerome Pitre (2 Oct 1883), wife Catherine Marguerite Gallant

Francis X. Peters 34 (PEI) carpenter/contractor, wife Elizabeth P. 28 (Can)   (Revere, 13-117, p. 6)

Francois Exavier Pitre (1 Jun 1915), wife Elizabeth P. McNamara

Worcester County


Ernest J. Peters 43 cutting stone/quarry, wife Irene B. 38 (Can), Pauline I. 12 (RI)   (Blackstone, 14-33, p. 7)

Joseph Alphonse Ernest Peters (1 Jan 1907), wife Irene Plante

Arthur J. Peete 40 press operator/flashlight co., wife Zaira B. 40 (NY) assembly work/flashlight co., Robert A. 18 handy man/molding co., widowed mother Albina Peete 64 (Can)    (Clinton, 14-50, p. 6)

Arthur Joseph Peete (22 Jul 1909), wife Zaira Barbara Marangoni; mother Marie Delvina ‘Albina’ Moisan, widow of Nelson Peet (29 Jul 1887)

Harvey L. Peete 38 machinist/wire mill, wife Agnes T. 35, James L. 12     (Clinton, 14-59, p. 5)

Harvey Leo Peete (19 Apr 1911)

Leo J. Petrie 43 (ME) methods engineer/textile machine works, wife Violet 39    (East Douglas, 14-63, p. 73) Leo Joseph Petrie (30 Nov 1906), wife Violet Forsythe

Omer J. Pitre 50 shipper/tool factory, wife Annita A. 51, roomer Hildred M. Wetherby 35 (VT)    (Fitchburg, 14-76, p. 12)

Omer Joseph Pitre (4 Jun 1899), wife Anita M. Coulombe

Leo T. Pitre 23 department helper/lock factory, wife Lillian E. 24 cement/plastic factory    (Fitchburg, 14-76, p. 72)

Leo Thomas Pitre (7 Nov 1926), wife Lillian Elizabeth Goguen

Herve O. Pitre 56 saw smith/saw & steel manufacturer, wife Beatrice M. 55, son-in-law Leonard Mailloux 34 woodworker/lock & key manufacturer, wife Claire M. 32, Thomas (Feb)   (Fitchburg, 14-87, p. 17)

Herve Omer Pitre (12 Jul 1893), wife Beatrice Mary Gauthier

Thomas J. Hopkins 59 (NH) general foreman/public works, wife Grace P. 58, widowed father-in-law Alphonse T. Pitre 86 (Can) gas station attendant/filling station    (Fitchburg, 14-87, p. 17)

Antoine Alphonse Pitre (31 Mar 1864), widower of Marie Arzelie ‘Parmelie’ Dupre

Gilbert J. Peters 46 (ME) maintenance hand/textile factory, wife Lea N. 44 winder tender/textile factory, Claire H. 19 sander/television cabinet factory, John G. 12, Donald S. 10    (Fitchburg, 14-105, p. 4)

Gilbert Joseph Peters (1 Sep 1903), wife Leah H. Leblanc

Robert H. Pitre 27 carrier/post office, wife Margaret E. 26 (VT) nurse/hospital     (Fitchburg, 14-145, p. 74)

Robert Herve Pitre (18 Nov 1922), wife Margaret Elizabeth Hawkins

Arthur J. Peters 59 (Can) runs saw machine/boudoir chair factory, wife Mary A. 64 (Can)   (Gardner, 14-153, p. 11)

Joseph Hercule ‘Arthur’ Pitre (11 Aug 1890), unknown 2nd wife

Maxim A. Pitre 53 rush seater/chair factory, wife Mary M. 47 (Can) stitcher/baby carriage factory, Donald J. 21 shipping clerk/baby carriage factory   (Gardner, 14-155, p. 76)

Maxime Pitre (28 Oct 1895), wife Marie Marguerite Cormier

Peter Kraskouskas 34 (WV) mechanic/garage, wife Lauretta 28, Paul 5 (CA), Robert 3, Ann (Sept), widowed mother Caroline Kraskouskas 75 (Lithuania), sister-in-law Doris Peters 23 store clerk/similar to 5&10’s    (Gardner, 14-173, p. 16)


Leo A. Pitre 51 (VT) machinist/baby carriage factory, wife Eva A. 50, Marie E. 19 private secretary/farm service products    (Gardner, 14-153, p. 5)

Leopold Adrian Pitre (6 Feb 1899), wife Eva A. Balthazar

Widow Permela Pitre 69 (VT), brother Henry J. Belleveau 65 (VT) molder/plastic factory     (Leominster, 14-223, p. 1)

Perlmela Belliveau, widow of Gedeon Pitre (7 Dec 1871)

Arthur Peters 39 driller/quarry, wife Mary 40 (Can), Nancy 8, Gerald 6, Sandra 3    (Northbridge, 14-297, p. 24)

Joseph Alphonse Arthur Peters (21 Aug 1910), wife Marie Claire Georgianna Vermette

Isabelle S. Peterson 48 (VT) (sep) laborer/textile mill, Henry A. 24 (CT) weaver/textile mill, Jane M. 16 (CT), Raymond R. 15     (Other places, Grafton, 14-176, p. 13) Isabelle Seymour, 1st wife of William Pete (16 Aug 1900)
Arthur J. Peterson 27 (CT) weaving/textile mill, wife Katherine 24 bench hand/radio parts mfg., Robert D. 3, Linda A. 2   (Other places, Grafton, 14-176, p. 14) Arthur Joseph Peterson (23 Dec 1922), wife Katherine Sfakianos
Raymond Lashombe 24, wife Sylvia P. 34, stepdaughter Beverly Dwyer 10    (Southbridge Globe, 14-357, p. 20) Raymond Howard Lashombe (29 Jan 1926), wife Sylvia Pearl Freeman
Joseph E. Petrie 30 retail night mgr./retail grocery store, wife Evelyn M. 29 (ENG), 6 lodgers   (Worcester, 30-117, p. 6) Joseph Eugene Petrie (27 Apr 1919), wife Evelyn May Rodbourn




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      Last updated:  9 July 2024.