Continuation of tree (1st child of Jean Baptiste Pitre/Marguerite Arseneau); all known surname descendants:
5 Jean Pitre b: Abt. 1763 Rustico, PEI; d: 1808 Rustico, PEI
+Marie Rose Doiron b: 11 September 1764 St. Enogat, Bretagne, France; m: Abt. 1785 Rustico, PEI [Alexis/Madeleine Josephe Bourg]
6 Ursin Pitre b: Abt. 1786 Rustico, PEI; d: Bef. 1844
+Marie Gallant b: Abt. 1786 Rustico, PEI; m: Abt. 1808 Rustico, PEI [Jean Francois/Agnes Doucet]; d: Bef. 1844
6 Marguerite Pitre b: Abt. 1788 Rustico, PEI; d: Bef. 1832
+Andre Gallant b: Abt. 1782 Rustico, PEI; m: Abt. 1809 Rustico, PEI [Jean Francois/Agnes Doucet]
6 Elie Pitre b: Abt. 1795 Rustico, PEI; d: Bef. 1864
+Modeste Doucet b: Abt. 1801 Rustico, PEI; m: Abt. 1823 Tignish, PEI [Joseph/Anastasie Arseneau]; d: 10 October 1886 Ste. Anne, Hope River, PEI
6 Simon Pitre b: Abt. 1797 Rustico, PEI; d: 26 April 1873 St. Augustine, Rustico, PEI
+Theotiste Martin b: Abt. 1796 Rustico, PEI; m: 8 January 1817 St. Augustine, Rustico, PEI [Firmin/Marguerite Poirier]; d: Abt. 1828 Rustico, PEI
*2nd Wife of Simon Pitre:
+Marie Doucet b: Abt. 1798; m: Abt. 1829 Rustico, PEI; d: Aft. 1881 Rustico, PEI
6 Celeste Pitre b: Abt. 1801 Rustico, PEI; d: 21 May 1813 St. Augustine, Rustico, PEI
6 Marie Pitre b: Abt. 1807 Rustico, PEI; d: Bet. 1881-1900 Rustico, PEI
+Francois Buote b: Abt. 1811; m: 13 January 1835 Charlottetown, PEI [Pierre/Adelaide Gallant]; d: Bet. 1881-1900 Rustico, PEI
Back one generation to parents of Jean Pitre
Items in RED have been verified against parish register entries.
- Some PEI marriages in RED (no church indicated) sourced from marriages registers (no parents listed).
Last updated: 9 October 2011.